checking and ensuring that a bed rail is necessary.It also identifies areas of good practice, such as: This document identifies areas for safe practices, so that policies and procedures can be reviewed and put in place. those responsible for purchasing beds and bed rails.community equipment stores (CES) and loan store managers.carers in the community and care-at-home staff.Medical Device Safety Officers (MDSOs) for onward distribution.This document is aimed at all users, carers and staff with responsibility for the provision, prescription, use, maintenance and fitting of bed rails. For more detail on this see the implementation update on work towards a strengthened future medical devices regime. The government has extended acceptance of CE marked devices in Great Britain. This publication has been updated to reflect changes in devices and practices, as well as information gained from the investigation of adverse incidents. These incidents are concerning as some have led to patient harm or death, primarily from entrapment. The MHRA continues to receive reports of incidents relating to bed rails and associated equipment. Part of the MHRA’s role is the regulation of medical devices, including overseeing investigations into adverse events and promoting the safe use of devices in the UK.
You can download a PDF version of Safe use of bed rails ( PDF, 962 KB, 33 pages). It replaces previous guidance on the same topic. This web page features the most up-to-date guidance.